Vertrauen & Rhetorik-Toolkit | Mit Wirkung und Einfluss sprechen 🎤 | Exekutive Präsenz

Confidence & Public Speaking Toolkit empowers you to enhance your executive presence and speak with impact. With targeted warm-up exercises, speech planning, and delivery practice, this template equips you to communicate with confidence and influence any audience.

Vertrauen & Rhetorik-Toolkit | Mit Wirkung und Einfluss sprechen 🎤 | Exekutive PräsenzConfidence & Public Speaking Toolkit empowers you to enhance your executive presence and speak with impact. With targeted warm-up exercises, speech planning, and delivery practice, this template equips you to communicate with confidence and influence any audience.Öffentliches Sprechen
In Progress

Boost Your Public Speaking Confidence

This template guides you through a focused 15-minute session to elevate your public speaking skills. Designed to build executive presence, it combines vocal warm-ups, structured speech planning, and delivery practice for a comprehensive confidence boost.

Vocal & Physical Warm-Ups

Start with dynamic vocal exercises and light stretches to prepare your voice and body, setting the stage for effective delivery.

Structured Speech Planning

Outline your key messages and organize your speech structure, ensuring a clear and impactful narrative.

Practice for Impact

Engage in full run-throughs to refine your pace, tone, and presence, empowering you to speak with influence.

Mehr liefern mit Pomodoro-Timern

FocusBox ist ein leistungsstarkes Produktivitätstool, das Ihnen hilft, die Kontrolle über Ihre Zeit zu übernehmen, indem Aufgaben, Pomodoro-Timer, Ambient-Sounds und Erkenntnisse verwendet werden, um intelligenter und nicht härter zu arbeiten.
